Tobias Harris Tells Sixers Fans "Don't Fucking Clap" After Making A Bucket, Which Is Totally Normal Behavior

The national narrative has always been that the big mean Philly fans are always too hard on our players. That we're quick to boo. That we run payers out of town. And after all that build up, the money shot comes with that sweet sweet chance to mention Santa Claus. But what if--and just stick with me here for a minute--what if the real story is that we're actually too soft? What if Philly fans aren't demanding enough out of our top paid athletes? What if Philly is essentially just the midwest of the east? 

That seems to be what Tobias Harris is implying here. Because before pleading to fans at the Farg' to not effing clap, it appeared as if he was begging for more boo's from the crowd earlier in the night. 

Philly fans not booing enough and clapping too much? Good luck with that one, national media. Breaks my heart to see my beloved Philly brethren become Charmin Ultra Soft, but I guess that's just the world we live in these days. Where idiots getting paid $180 million to shoot 38% are telling you to boo more and clap less. 

In all seriousness, that should just about do it for Tobias Harris. We are watching a broken athlete. A guy whose game is dog shit and has no resorted to going back and forth with fans during the game. Slippery slope for a guy who clearly doesn't seem to be able to just tune out the noise. Maybe, juuuuuuust maybe, there is that inner dog somewhere deep down inside of Tobias Harris who can get pissed off enough that it fixes his game a little. But from everything we've seen over the past few years, I'd say that is highly unlikely. 

Which sucks because he seems like a good guy to root for, and clearly the Sixers need him to succeed if they're ever going to have any chance here in Joel's prime to do anything. But for some reason this team just breeds athletes who are softer than a stick of butter that's been left out on the kitchen counter on a hot summer's day. Forever cursed by catering to Ben by getting rid of Jimmy Butler and giving that money to Tobias. 


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